Sections :
Spliff Skankin' (Dennis Edward Bishop, Jr.)
Satanist Jose' Scott
(creator of The Devil's Radio)
Satanist Eric Weaver
The Toys 'R' Us toys store where strange paranormal
activity happens,
is located at 13O El Camino Real, at the corner of El Camino Real and
the Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road in Sunnyvale, California.
"Murphy's Ghost" has been a U.S. National TV story many times, including the television program "That's Incredible", also there was a special done for the CBS Network on poltergeist activity, and the innumberable news stories (a short synopsis is included below). The ghostly games at the Toys "R" Us store include: 1. Dolls that aren't supposed to talk, and then start talking. 2. An employee was sitting alone in the employee lounge - Suddenly a large bulleting board secured to the wall began to swing back and forth. Then a stack of papers on top of the refrigerator fluttered to the floor, one by one. There was no fan or ventilator system that could account for this. 3. Charlie Brown another Toys 'R' Us employee, had a brush with the supernatural one evening while closing up. He had just locked the door when he heard a banging sound from inside. Brown returned to the building, unlocked the door and entered - there was no-one inside. He closed and locked the door and the banging started once more. The pattern continued several times until he finally gave up and walked away. 4. Regina Gibson, a clerk, tells of hearing her name called again and again while she was alone in the Customer Service Area and of feeling someone running its fingers through her long hair while she was perched on a high ladder stocking shelves. 5. Judy Jackson, the store manager, was recently confronted by a customer who complained, "There's something strange going on in the women's bathroom." Jackson listened in amazement as she explained, "I turned off the water faucet, but by the time I reached the door it had turned itself on again. I went back and turned it off, only to have it turn on again. This happened three times and now it's on again." 6. One evening just before closing time, Bill Peevan, another employee, carefully stacked a group of shoe skates on a shelf. He was the last one out of the building. The next morning he returned to find them rearranged in an intricate pattern, on the floor. 7. Another employee stated, that "You hear your name called when you know nobody else is in the store. Walk up aisle 4A to 4B and you'll feel the air change, like he's breathing on you. Stuff will fall off shelves for no reason, and toys that you put in one place will turn up in another. 8. Another employee, who didn't wish to be interviewed, said she saw him (the ghost) two weeks ago. (as reported in news clippings). 9. Another employee Putt-Putt O'Brien, who has spent 18 years stacking toys at the store, stated also of the change of air, and also hearing his name many times. 1O. A former employee, Margie Honey stated that she is not entireley sure the ghost is completely friendly. She recalled a time when a clerk picked up a box of baby products for a customer, felt something hot, and found three long scratches down her face. Honey, who started working there even before the store was completed, said someone used to come up and tap people on the shoulder, and no one was there. 11. As of 12 July, 1995, another case has come to the attention of the investigator of these occurances. An individual who resides very close to the Toys 'R' Us store, while knowlegable of the case history, brought her husband to the store recently. Her husband started to say the name, "Murphy", and in a feeling of dread. He complained wishing for the couple to leave the store immediately. Reportedly the husband did not know anything about the particulars of the haunting, nor anything about Murphy, nor even his name prior to the incident. 12. Also another individual which remained anonymous in a news story has stated that some toys did in fact leap out at him while in the store, and for no apparent reason whatsoever. 13. Coincidentally and strangely after the first publishing of this investigation in the fall of 1994 a former long time employee of the Sunnyvale Toys R Us store happened to arrive at the employment location of the author of this investigation, as a contractor employee. Statements were made that long time store manager, Stephanie Lewis who's offices are on the second story level of the store, is irrational beyond belief, to the point of flying off the handle in most unique and frightening ways. 14. The paranormal occurances continue to this day. There are inumerable other stories that are not included in this investigation, which can be found in the Sunnyvale Public Library. In hopes of meeting the ghost "Martin Murphy", a group of psychic researchers, spent a long night in the store. 1. During the night, a giant bean bag set well back on the shelf tumbled to the floor - seemingly of its own volition. 2. Several balls belonging on the shelves on aisle 1O7 appeared on the floor of aisle 2O6. Later that night a weighted ball was found in the center of a corridor and was put back on its shelf and barricaded in place by a box. Within a hour the ball was back on the floor again - the box pushed to one side. 3. Possibly the most startling thing to come out of the toy shop seance that was conducted was the weird light show of dancing blobs captured on film by Oakland photographer Bill Tidwell. The star of the research team was Sylvia Brown, co-founder of the Campbell, California, based Nirvana Foundation (very near Sunnyvale), who attempted to physically "tune in" to the store. Sylvia Brown claims that she is possessed by a spirit who goes by the name "Francine", when she is delivering psychic readings. Sylvia Brown said and claims that the spirit is actually a one time farm worker, named Yonny Johnson, who boarded with residents on the exact spot of the present Toys 'R' Us store in the 18OO's. Yonny (Yonni) was reportedly/apparently courting one of Martin Murphy's daughters, and planned to ask Elizabeth Murphy to marry him. However, Johnson later found out that Elizabeth was engaged to another man. Shortly afterward, Johnson was found dead in the orchard (exactly where the Toys 'R' Us store is now), with an axe wound to the neck. IN DIRECT CONTRADITION to the claimed psychic readings that were performed by charlatan psychic Sylvia Brown, this investigation here will prove that the individual who is haunting the area now, is not Yonny Johnson at all, but actually a demon who poses as Martin Murphy, and thus the seat of demonic power that is gripping the whole area concerned. That being, the Silicon Valley / Santa Clara Valley. As we go further into the investigation, there are certain peculiarities that surround the toy industry and Toys "R" Us that should be considered - The Toy Industry: There are more than numerous claims and instances of spirits that have manifested themselves while using Ouija boards. Until very very recently, Ouija boards were made in Salem Massachusetts, by the Parker Brothers Toy Company, which has a 'swirling downward drain' as their company logo. 1692 is the year that saw the Salem Witch Trials, and interestingly enough, Ouija boards are in fact made in Salem, Massachusetts. Also, in Adolf Hitler's plan to aim for the minds and spirits of the youth of Germany, so also is the ability for the toy industry to also aim at the minds of the youth of this world. The ability to create an epoch of change, a whole generation, that is manifested in children's minds, will certainly result in a changed mental outlook for future generations. This is exactly why Adolf Hitler aimed his propaganda at the youth of Germany. The toy industry's largest income generation from sales comes with Christmas (Xmas), however when it is fully realized in relation to Holy Scriptural teachings, it is nothing more than the spirit of Anti-Christ, in its present materialistic monetary and non-secular/ non-Christian form. In all actuality the celebration during Dec. 25th, is not the date of the saviors birth, but rather a continuation of the pagan Saturnalia celebrations that featured misletoe and trees, etc. In the Holy scriptures it describes Satan as residing in the recesses of the North (Santa/Satan North Pole). The words Satan and Santa are not a dislexia predicament, but rather a coincidence in aligned competing forces versus the most Holy birth celebration, December 25th. Competition (Santa) and confusion over the holiday, and an overt promoted excitement over materialism, is the successful plan that has been hatched by the toy industry within the last 1OO years. The fact that the Coca-Cola Company invented the image of Santa Claus in his red suit close to 1OO years ago, is a historical fact and case in point in proving the above allegations. As we see that the "Murphy" ghost is located in and around the Toys "R" Us store in Sunnyvale, California - we also note that the Toys "R" Us store chain has long ago decided to place a key franchise in the city of Colma, California. Colma has the distinction of having more dead bodies than living ones, for it was the location chosen to receive massive amounts of burials - a city dead-icated to cemetaries. "It's very good publicity for us" said Toys "R" Us store manager Stephanie Lewis. Also reported in the news: She stated in 1993 that "We had to chase away four teen-agers. They were sitting out front at 4 a.m., with a Ouija board, trying to conjure up the ghost. She has employees who will not go into the woman's bathroom alone, Lewis said. That's because Johnson or Murphy follows them in there and turns on the water faucets. Longtime employees say the ghost also pulled pranks on contractors who come to do short-term jobs. They see toys leap from a shelf and refuse to come back." Mr. Putt Putt O'Brien believes the ghost lives upstairs in a breezy, cool corner. The store manager's office happens to be located on the second story of the store. Putt Putt O'Brien also claims that because the store is on a timed alarm system, there is no way people can be in there at night to change anything around. Now for some historical facts about the Murphys: There is the Murphy Building, 36 South Market Street in San Jose. In 1862 the County's Supreme Court was changed to the two-story building (second story - upstairs) just erected for the purpose by Martin Murphy. The first Supreme Court in California was established on HIS property in San Jose. This block where the Murphy building stands, was the center of civic and commercial life of San Jose and the territory. During the prosperous cattle ranching period of the 18OO's, the Murphy Estate "Bayview Ranch" in what is now Sunnyvale, became a focal point of political and social activity in the valley, even to the extent of being the seat of the Supreme Court power. In Kevin Starr's book "Americans and the California Dream" he characterized the Murphy's as ruling the Santa Clara Valley like ancient Irish kings. As we consider Martin Murphy's connection to law and order within this county, we also see another county courthouse that is located on the corner of Mathilda and El Camino Real in Sunnyvale, which is very near the Toy's "R" Us store (and no doubt placed there in honor to Murphy's historic Law connections, manipulations, control). The legendary and infamous term "Murphy's Law" again comes into play, as we consider the historical significance of Martin Murphy, for there is and was a reason for the invention and usage of that term. The original San Jose courthouse that Martin Murphy created was abandoned and moved in 1868. Martin Murphy Jr. also worked in the county court and became a clerk as his long time career. Patrick Murphy was elected a state senator and became known as "General Murphy". Bernard Murphy was a lawyer who served three times as Mayor of San Jose, as well as serving twice as a state senator and a member of the state legislature. James Murphy became the first bank commissioner for the state of California and also served as state senator. Families like the Murphy's dominated and oppressively manipulated the economic and political life of the valley. It is also noted that Martin Murphy Jr. also waged a campaign against the McCarty's of McCartyville which is now called Saratoga. The Toys 'R' Us Store happens to be located on Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road. In 1865 Martin Murphy also saw and was no doubt delighted in the renaming of the McCarty's named city to Saratoga, in part due to the death of Martin McCarty (aged 39) in 1864. The Murphy's were also more than overt racists: Anti-Chinese campaigns throughout the San Francisco Bay Area by groups like the 'Workingman's Party', of which Bernard Murphy was a founding and leading member, was beginning to be successful in limiting the number of Chinese in the area. In the valley during the 185O's, Martin Murphy creating a landed aristocracy. Murphy, one of the largest landowners in California, appears to have become a part of precisely what his family had fled English-dominated Ireland: a land gentry controlling the lives of tenant farmers. Historian Paul Gates goes as far as to say "The Murphy's, father and son, skimmed off the cream of the land, created a small fortune for themselves through extensive use, but incurred for themselves much ill will for their treatment of settlers. Also his policies towards hired help or squatters were less than exemplary." Contrary to those who paint Martin Murphy as a kind man, the facts remain. Based on census manuscripts, court records, and contemporary diaries - that Murphy capitalized on cheap labor, purchased properties from those in severe financial straits, and aggressively litigated against these and squatters. Authors Timothy Lukes and Gary Okihiro, in their book 'Japanese Legacy', suggest that "families like the Murphy's dominated the economic and political life of the valley in the 185O's, creating a landed aristocracy and instituted a system of paternalism." (Papa Murphy). And regarding the often mentioned "Murphy Hospitality", Interestingly enough, the hospitality cost people who stayed there $4.OO per night, quite a sum for 1849. Like several other land barons in the state, he did not regret the demise of the Californios, and at one point, he owned 9O,OOO acres in several counties, making him one of the wealthiest men in the state. The Murphy family started from St. Joseph, Missouri, and traversed through California's Sierra, and were the first pioneer family to enter the California territory. The Donner Party (for which the cannibalism reports come) came through just after, and stayed in cabins erected by the Murphy's on the trail. Martin Murphy also built the first framed house ever built in California, from lumber which he had shipped from Boston, Massachusetts. In 1961 the historic Murphy's house was destroyed by fire. The main beam of the house was saved and has been incorporated in the construction of the present 'Murphy Historical Museum' which is located in Sunnyvale. In an interesting retrospect we see that "Murphy's Pride", the house that was purchased from Massachussetts, burned down in 1961, and the building permit for the present Toys 'R' Us was taken out on the 13th of December, 1963. Interestingly there is a present day judge in the Santa Clara County court system who's name is Murphy, and is labelled by those in and out of the judicial system as: "Maximum Murphy". For he shows NO COMPASSON WHATSOEVER. I have yet to determine if he is related to the Murphy's of Sunnyvale - But one thing is for certain, and that is that he is part of the same evil judicial system that runs Santa Clara County. A legal system that is on the leading edge in trying new and oppressive laws, devices against the people who live in the County. Santa Clara is one of the most unjust judicial counties in the whole nation. One only needs to study Silicon Valley, and thus will realize that Santa Clara County is a leader in Surveillance Society devices - injections, body patches, invasion of people's bodies, homes, a complete violation of human rights, Murphy's Law, Murphy's County - Santa Clara County. The First overt act against the Mexican Government occured on the Murphy's Ranch. Reports are that the Murphy's Ranch was the central base of operations for the Bear Flag Revolt. Kit Carson, and then Lieutenant, General (Hell bent) Sherman were stationed at the Bayview Ranch. Martin Murphy's daughter, Elizabeth Yuba Murphy, was the first child born of immigrant parents in California. Elizabeth Yuba Murphy married William Taafee and they were given 2,8OO acres (which is the land that is today's Foothill Junior College / KFJC), as a wedding gift. Bayview (Sunnyvale). Elizabeth Yuba Murphy died at age 3O on a visit to the family home. The Taafees also built a home on the present site of Foothill College. Names associated with the Murphy family were used as street names throughout Los Altos Hills, and all near Foothill College. In fact one of the houses was built on the top of the hills overlooking Moody Road near Elizabeth Avenue (named for Martin's mother, Elizabeth Yuba Murphy) and now has been renamed "Altamont". "Altamont" Road and "Taafee" Road almost encircle Foothill College. The Taaffe Company also is active in the maintenance of Los Altos Hills roads. Martin Murphy is characterised as having a great regard for learning and "young people". Foothill College's (KFJC) land was the 'wedding gift' given by the Murphys, in a marriage that saw Yonny Johnson's neck axed on the same location of the Toys 'R' Us. Other significant peculiarities associated with Sunnyvale, Calif. (Martin Murphy's Bayview Ranch, later known as the Murphy Estate) - In a city (Sunnyvale) and county already haunted by Murphy's Law - The City of the "Solar Serpent"
The city of Sunnyvale which has a WIERD and TRULY DARK city emblem of Blue and Black sun rays in the shape of a triangle (also the shape of KFJC's emblem), along with a disk shaped sun - There forms an exact line from the haunted Toys 'R' Us store, through Sunnyvale's Equinox Pyramid Mounument, and right through into the Judge's chambers at the Sunnyvale Court. County Courthouse <---> Pyramid Equinox Monument <---> Toys 'R' UsThe picture (below) shows how it lines-up with the haunted Toys 'R' Us store
The opposite (below) right through those trees exactly - Judge's chambers
And there it is, right into the Courthouse and "Judge" Chambers
The location of liars, evil imposter "Judges" defending injustice. Eager to charge people with crimes, contempt included, with the sole purpose of having those false charges remain on a person's record. Especially after they have been dropped, having been proved to have been satanic inspired lies. A purposeful twisting of language and truth by insane court workers, into a wide system of evil insider lies perpetuated in Murphy's Santa Clara County Law. Murphy's Estate - Murphy's Law - Haunted Sunnyvale, California Murphy's Law - Murphy's Courthouse - Sunnyvale, California
The plaque which reads: -------------"This bronze sculpture serves as a homage ------------------to both early and modern settlers of --------------------------------- Northern California"
-----------------Murphy's Haunted Evil CountyInteresting that that alignment happens to coincide with the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year, 22 December - which happens to be a high holy celeberation date for satanists and pagans alike. 22, it always lines-up to 22 Also, in the imported Massachussetts house, Martin Murphy did and is historically documented as having set aside a "Bishop" Room, where the region's powerful Roman Catholic Archbishop did and would stay. Coincidentally as you look at the map of today's Sunnyvale, you also will see a street named Bishop, which is very near the Toy's "R" Us store, and is named because of the Bishop and his connection with the Bayview ranch and Martin Murphy. Bishop street happens to exactly intersect a portion of South 'Murphy' street, 510 S. Murphy, where SATANIC members of Foothill College's KFJC FM radio station live -
called "KFJC South" (picture above). Also the strange coincidence that one of the residents of "KFJC South" has a name of Dennis Bishop. It will become clearer, but keep in mind that Dennis Bishop has been nicknamed the "Dragon", in his overt promotion of smoking to the youth of the area, through his radio programs on KFJC and KPFA FM.
--Dennis Edward Bishop, Jr. (Spliff Skankin')
From the book "Pen Pictures from the "Garden of the World"": "The mantle of Martin Murphy, Sr., had descended on his oldest son, and all the traits which characterized the founder of the family seemed developed in a greater degree, if that were possible, in the son." Also eerily, eldest son James died in 1852 at age 2O at Bayview (Murphy's Ranch) on the same day Mary Murphy gave birth to his youngest brother, also named James. Michael W. Murphy a present living descendant of Martin Murphy, who resides in San Francisco, is an actor and private investigator. Michael W. Murphy played a railway conductor in "Daddy's Gone a Huntin'" - and Ford Country Day School in Los Altos Hills (also where Foothill College's KFJC is located) provided the setting for a 'Silva-Thin' cigarette commercial in which Michael Murphy played the role of a 'chauffeur'. In summary: The two - Bishop and Murphy dragons promoting their smoking/cancer at yet another "Ford's Theatre" at a Los Altos Hills school. Like a 2O pack of 'Silva-Thin' cigarettes, let us note that Dennis Edward "Dragon" Bishop Jr.'s reward of 3O pieces of 'Silva', like a Judas would he receive, for the Bill Graham Presents (BGP) associated promotional conspiracy that he is and was party to.
In other words : Bishop Framing Me ! That being, Dennis Edward Bishop who claimed that I had phoned him and left a phone message, then delivered through others at the station, that being just one of many false accusations by Dennis Edward Bishop. The second false charge and frame-job at another radio station KKUP FM, using the same exact tactic :
---------------------------F R A M E D After all Dennis Edward Bishop is best friends with a satanist named Jose Scott who was responsible for changing KFJC into the "The Devil's Radio". Unlike being 'Thin', as in Silva-Thin, the "Dragon" Bishop is terribly overweight and sadly, amusingly out of shape. Like Michael Murphy and Dennis Edward Bishop, the promotion of addiction addiction smoking along with lung tumors for all of our youth and society systematically promoted and haunted influence being ushered forth from the KFJC studios through its management and staff - along with the correlation of Satan (scripturally: who is the Dragon). These illegal smoking promotions are all from the Foothill College State education school facilities - the utmost in ridiculous allowed circumstances of illegal drug promotions. As we as a society wonder why the black community, etc. is so inundated with the scourge of drug addiction, we need not look any further for the reasons behind it. At KFJC FM, Dennis Edward "Dragon" Bishop Jr. has this interestingly teflon ability to allude disciplinary action, especially when considering his consistant running down people with his motor vehicle vehicle on the school campus next to the classrooms on walking paths, walking paths, as he missiles to his radio program because he is more than often late. Our illustrious "chauffeurs". In the instances of near accidents, as Bishop becomes a motor vehicle missile upon the Foothill Campus, there are the cases of documented violent altercations instigated by him while he is entering the studios. Michael W. Murphy happens to be a member of the Screen Actors Guild, similarily Dennis Edward "Dragon" Bishop Jr. also is an actor, for he is neither a Christian nor a Rastafarian, even to purposefully and in full knowledge, to slip in blasphemous material (i.e. Alpha Blondy) that denegrates both faiths. Bishop, while not being a Christian or Rasta, however has decided to portray himself as a religious person, through a hair (dreadlocks) costume and through talk that only is a reflection of the thespian deception he himself is a part of. His phony public offered thespian faith can be publicly confirmed in an interview that was published in the:
San Jose Mercury News 'Eye' - Jan. 7, 1994 Speaking of our public figure Dennis Edward Bishop:
"He is neither a Jamaican nor Rastafarian"
...also sadly amusing and totally hypocritical, that Bishop also gave the newspaper a definition of 'Rasta Imposters': "People who are intrigued with the Rastafarian lifestyle but don't believe in Jah, who are into the look but not the Rastafarian way of life."
Note, as the Holy scriptures state:
"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof" - 2 Timothy 3:5 Bishop's "woman", his live-in lover, Ceila, is sternly anti-Christian, and who equates sodomy as perfectly normal, "because dogs do it", as she stated this to me. - (The Beast).
"For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist" - 2 John 7 I also know Dennis Bishop not to be a Christian either ! Bishop's employment connections touch upon both the Bill Graham Presents Promotional vehicle (The promoters of the Grateful DEAD - the morbidity drug culture into the equation of drugged-out brain-mush for our youth a DEAD head) - for which Dennis Edward "Dragon" Bishop, is also a promoter of said DEAD music. Bishop is a dope head ! His on-air name is: Spliff Skankin' Sadly a real 'Skank' ! Dennis Edward Bishop, a "Rastafarian" imposter, who also was employed as a BARTENDER at the Reno Club in East Palo Alto. Serving-up FIRE water ! Serving-up drugs, promoting drugs, all the ill vices of mankind ! A real drug pusher !!! Definately known to Dennis Edward "Dragon" Bishop and terribly frightening to him, is the world reknown Jamaican reggae artist named 'Mutabaruka' who sings about "the unfortunate fact that drugs are being promoted to our youth through the urging of them to build spliffs (joints) and by urging them to just get high, and that Mutabaruka doesn't see God in a cloud of smoke" in his song: "Dispel the Lie". Request the song, that he play it on the air, and he might actually self-destruct, with the lyrics that stomp out the fat spliff that he is ! Bishop presently is also an employee at 'Rasputin' Records in Berkeley, Calif. Rasputin if you will remember, was the mysterious mad psychic that led the Czar's into that same psychic demonic madness. Bishop is also a radio disc jockey at KPFA 94.1 FM in Berkeley, California. Activities as a Bill Graham Presents employee (Dennis and Doug Wendt at KPFA) include conspiring with other station memebers who also are B.G.P. employees, against others in the radio scene. That would be me, the victim ! This in an environment where the Promotions Department (KFJC) in reality runs the station by these same outside business enterprise controlling forces - where station integrity is hardly if ever discussed, if at all. Bill Graham Presents employees, conspiring, couping and eliminating station members (me) through false accusations and through created incidents. MUSIC MAFIAS The most ironic aspect is: Why would KPFA FM, the defender of minority promoters, the radio station in Berkeley allow such B.G.P. moles to be allowed to manipulate and operate there ? The late Bill Graham and his Presents organization which lives on, is the legendary oppressor promoter who not only used the actual "Hell's Angels" as bodyguards, who have been accused by the F.B.I. for systematic drug running and (murder <outside and at shows>), but also that B.G.P. is guilty of behind the scenes back-stabbing, strong-arm tactics and eradication of local small time striving minority promoters, etc., etc. Why would KPFA FM allow such characters to come upon their radio environment ? - especially as other striving DJ's are more suited to KPFA's on-air social commentary needs, along with the musical offerings. I was of course marked for elimination, in that I sternly opposed the evil behind the scenes activities (strong-arm tactics) that were used against me, and the striving minority promotions scene. KFJC has a series of corrupt individuals who totally manipulate the Promotions Department there. I even tried to help Joel, who owns the night-club "Alberto's" in Mountain View, California. However Dennis E. Bishop stopped me from not only joining the Promotions Dept., but also put a complete stop to any form of ticket promotions for the club. You must understand at what lengths Bill Graham Presents employees will go to, to trip, and make stumble, striving smaller night-clubs in the Bay Area. KFJC's Promotions Department is entirely evil, with the same individuals controlling and keeping out people like me, who wished to help small clubs. Of course, Joel at "Alberto's" knows of exactly what went down, in relation to Dennis Bishop (Spliff Skankin') at KFJC, and finally, in disgust, gave up on promoting reggae. The owners of the Ajax Club, and Agenda Club in San Jose, also have interesting, non-complimentary opinions on the manipulative, Dennis E. Bishop.
Dennis Edward Bishop, Jr. (Spliff Skankin')
The BEAST: From the book "Catch a Fire", by Timothy White:
"Ronald Wilson Reagan retired to his Bel Aire villa on 666 St. Cloud Street, Rastafarians pointed once more to Revelation 8:6-9." Also, a famous reggae song by Michael Rose "Bull in the Pen", which states that "the mark of the Beast is on the President" ...(referring to President Ronald Wilson Reagan). Ronald 6 Wilson 6 Reagan 6 Ronald Wilson Reagan and his wife were and are HEAVILY into the occult. So who is this reggae disc-jockey who has the mark also, who also is corrupt in his dealings / money / promotions ? Dennis 6 Edward 6 Bishop 6 And who else fits this description ? Foothill's KFJC FM Faculty Advisor: Robert Edward Pelzel, where allegations against him in regards to mail fraud at KFJC are documented, through the accusations by ex-station member Anthony Ladd, myself and others. Robert Edward Pelzel sees nothing wrong with the pronounced satanism at KFJC (where he also helps at KALX FM in Berkeley) and also provides alcohol to minors at the Boardwalk Bar in Los Altos. The Boardwalk is the location of the weekly Wed. after station meeting. Robert Edward Pelzel is an alcoholic (is seen outdrinking anyone there), and thus provides pitchers of beer to those who come down. There is no supervision amongst his purchases - while acting as a Foothill College Faculty Advisor. KFJC is a drug promoting culture and Robert Edward Pelzel sees nothing wrong with what is going down there. Jose' Scott even admitted publicly that he took L.S.D. at least twice on the airwaves at KFJC 89.7 FM. Jose' called himself: Uncle Sydney. Only he knows why. Now with all the information concerning Foothill College as a wedding gift to the couple, that in turn saw the death of Yonny Johnson on the present site of the Toys 'R' Us, let us now consider more of the KFJC FM Satanic connection. Since KFJC's "Hawkeye Joe" who' real name is Jose' Scott has decided to become a public figure spectacle before the whole Bay Area, in his on-air ridicule against certain on air personalities - including some personal friends of mine (Alex Bennett of Live 105), and since he is a public on-air figure with peculiar circumstances, I think it is time to present these observations...and since the radio medium is so effective in reaching the impressionable youth in our community, it only confirms the need to present these observations to all. Especially as Jose' has changed the station to The Devil's Radio.
Jose Scott (Admitted Satanist, Admitted Communist) First of all, let us not necessarily condemn KFJC FM in Los Altos Hills, California, for actions perpetrated by individuals who have entered KFJC under the guise of honesty and righteousness. However, the majority of the membership presently is a cast of satanic approving, allowing, believing and practicing members of that depraved lifestyle. As far as membership is concerned, when referring to KFJC, any member of the public can become a member of the station. And in the magnetic attraction of satanism, satanists at the station have in turn attracted a whole satanic community to enter the station, and to change it to their ends, including management. In this also is the distress felt by the truly righteous "old-timers" who have been at the station for some time, before 'they' came. KFJC has no doubt the largest collection of satanically inspired recorded material in the entire nation, if not the world. A previous Music Director happened to take the name 'Lucifer Sam'. This individual recently stated, in regards to this present Murphy Ghost investigation: "Why sue - it's all true". KFJC management had a special relationship with Anton LaVey, the leader of the Church of Satan (San Francisco). KFJC FM played, has Anton's Satanic music there. Jose Scott "Hawkeye Joe" happens to adorn his body with tattoos of skulls and other demonic inspired symbols. During Hawkeye's administration as General Manager, satanism flourished to its apex at KFJC. Hawkeye Joe is quite anti-Christian also. The radio station through Hawkeye's direction tossed it's previous titles (Wave of the West, The Fine 89) and took on a new name, to: the "Devil's Radio", and instituted the creation of logos, bumper sticker, and a multitude of assorted associated devil images. The peak of satanic images and influence was magnified under Hawkeye's administration. At a time, in the station's office, there was seen a Ouija board box attached to the wall, and as a further indication of the growing membership of devout satanists and occult dabblers who have joined the KFJC station fold. During the Hawkeye Joe administration, he sealed off all management meetings to the public, and in direct conflict with the stations own by-laws. Public access to the meetings was urged by concerned citizens and station members, but nothing was ever done, until he was ousted as General Manager. Also during this time as General Manager, Hawkeye Joe was responsible for the station's financial accounting - where he allowed thousands of un-accounted for dollars to leave the station's bank accounts, and through a corrupt incoming Accounts Receivable set up, that he set up. ...and, in the knowledge that Hawkeye Joe's administration was responsible for the utmost zenith of KFJC's satanic take-over and influence on the community and most notably the impressionable youth - let us now look again to the corner of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road in Sunnyvale, California again. The exact address is 13O Sunnyvale- Saratoga Road @ El Camino Real - The Toys 'R' Us store. This location is a stone's throw away from the "KFJC South" House. "KFJC South" is located 510 S. Murphy in Sunnyvale. Hawkeye Joe is also a resident at "KFJC South", along with others from the station (named "KFJC South" because members of the station live there, included in this is Jose "Hawkeye Joe" Scott, and Dennis E. Bishop, BOTH OF WHICH ARE MORE THAN CLOSE FRIENDS - Of which Dennis E. Bishop usually has Jose Scott fill-in for him, on his radio program ! Dennis Edward Bishop's closest friend is a depraved, proud satanist ! The publicly thespian act, the false "rastafarian", dealing directly with the satanic elements at KFJC FM !!! I would NEVER !!!
Especially as I was the one being back-stabbed, over and over. Assaulting me, pushing me to a reaction. ...and in the fact that during Hawkeye's administration satanism flourished to the utmost of power at KFJC - does it not make for peculiar circumstances and confirming coincidence ? Toys "R" Us and the youth, Martin Murphy and the youth, KFJC and the promotion of satanism and drugs to the youth. ...and to top it all off, JOSE SCOTT WAS ALSO A TOY STORE SALESMAN! Along with this, he can never hold onto a job, even with Affirmative Action.
In the satanic religion, the owl is a central character and image presented in the services conducted. Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, where also the radio station is located, has a mascot, and that is the owl. Now along with the owl image, members of the radio station have now officially and entirely embraced the image of the goat (another central satanic animal character reference which represents the devil) while members of the station hierarchy form ritualistic hand motions that imitates horns and a goat-ee. These activities were and are performed most enthusiastically and cliquishly by even the recent General Manager Steve Taiclet, who also is reported to sell drugs to fellow students through his home. He even offered drugs to men !
Eric Weaver (Admitted Satanist)
Also another fact, is that Hawkeye Joe's father is apparently still roaming around Foothill College, allegedly to kill his son (and for unknown reasons). This warning and fact was revealed by Hawkeye Joe in a regular station meeting. Quite bizarre !!! Also in a recent station fund raising effort, Hawkeye Joe recorded pledge spots that urged the public to "feed the goat" - A definite reference to the station that is now embodied as the devil.
Eric Weaver the station's Engineer is also involved in Satanic promotion, included in this is his recorded spots that present the station as a Satanic vehicle for the community, and while trying to portray this activity as a positive one. Both individuals were responsible for stealing my original 1979 FCC license from the station, who claim that they have it now and refuse to return it.
Eric Weaver (Admitted Satanist)
Jose Scott (Summer 2000), has made an attempt to attack me while I was riding public transit, and continually (from KFJC FM days) he threatens me. I personally think that he is demonically possessed/insane, as he recently stated his pride in the satanic T-Shirt that he was wearing - this while he was trying to attack me on public transit. (*UPDATE*) Jose Scott (Hawkeye Joe) has also admitted to stealing my 1979 FCC Radio License, which was finally returned to me after Officer Cross of Foothill College Police forced J. Scott to return the stolen item, of which he had possession. Jose Scott is a satanic thief. And now, let us look at certain KFJC Programming Directors. There has in fact been certain conspiracies/coups affecting certain DJ's which have been committed by these same devout satanists. Satanic witches who are more than proud to display their circled pentagram emblems, are those also who have held the Programming Director position. These same individuals, especially Amacker Bullwinkle, who also is known as "Rocket J. Squirrel" who happens to inhabit a 'Good Friday' on-air position also features a program called "Hades Ham Journal" (just another aspect of the sphere of darkness / satanism influence), and also proudly features songs that chant against Jesus through direct and overt Satanic chants and musical invocations. This is the musical faire - 'Good Friday'. And in their devious plans to conspire against the just and righteous part of the KFJC flock - so also is the atmosphere of darkness, false accusations, lies, unethical, non-moral behavior. For even on Halloween 1994, the date of utmost satanic power, the start of a coup did ensue at KFJC, and was the precursor and start of the behind the scenes games and completely false accusations that were to play out months later, for a particular couped individual (me) - My idea of doing a 'Halloween Special' wasn't okay by her/them. As she was the Programming Director at the time, they asked me if I wouldn't mind allowing them to take over my show during that night. I told them that I wanted to do my own Special (without eluding to them that I wanted to do a musical exorcism on Halloween Night). All I told them is that I wanted to do my own program, and that if the Programming Department decided otherwise, then I would let them do as they would like. However, later, I was to find out that my reaction to their question was totally bent out of shape, making me out to be hostile and confrontational, un-cooperative. The witch (Amacker Bullwinkle) would twist my opinion on the matter as I soon found out......that was October 31, 1994. Then she, Amacker, was to follow me with additional false accusations at another radio station I worked for, a station of similar wicca coven typed New Age conspiracy plotting/false accusing minds (KKUP FM). This particular 'circled pentagram' 'Hades witch': Amacker Bullwinkle, happens to have a vehicle with a license plate: "Broom 3", and who also is heavily into the Grateful DEAD. You know the Grateful DEAD, the same band who has a song entitled: "Friend of the Devil". Along with a real sick morbid obsession with skeletons and skulls ! The DEAD ! It was this witch, Amacker Bullwinkle who conspired with the satanic tarot card reader at KKUP FM, to frame me. Amacker Bullwinkle was present at the kangaroo court that ousted me from KKUP FM. A complete satanic conspiracy ! ALL WEARING CIRCLED PENTAGRAMS !!! FRAMED <------ at KKUP FM
A webpage that also speaks of the unjust judicial system in Santa Clara County, where the "Judge" and District Attorney sided against me personally, and upheld the lies of a professional liar/con-artists, being a professional tarot card reader. The whole legal system in Santa Clara is geared towards defending, helping the demonic, while crucifying the elect. The above individuals (KFJC) are more than excited at the thought of enlisting enthusiasm concerning KFJC's ritualistic "Month of Mayhem" Mayhem / New Age / Sunnyvale / etc : The satanist Aleister Crowley who happened to be a 33 degree Mason and Grand Master of the satanic O.T.O., taught that the 'Great Work', the "transformation of humanity," will be accomplished in the last decade of the 2Oth Century. In de Rola's 'Alchemy: The Secret Art' we find an Illuminist-coded message of what will be the fate of Christians and other rebels during the latter stages of the Great Work. First, we are told that the Great Work "may only begin in the spring, under the signs of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini." This is the reason, of course why the Branch Dividians were assaulted and burned with fire on April 19, 1993 and why the Federal Building in Oklahoma City was firebombed on April 19, 1995. What's more, exactly 5O years prior to the Waco holocaust (the word holocaust means a "burned sacrifice"), on April 19, 1943, Hitler's storm troopers used flame throwers to incinerate the brave Jewish resisters fighting from the sewers in the Warsaw, Poland ghetto. According to the Satanic Calender of High Holy Days, April 19 inaugurates a period of blood sacrifice to the Beast, culminating in the Grand Climax on May 1st each year. (KFJC's Month of Mayhem) On May 1st, 1776 in Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt founded the Order of the Illuminati, and it was May 1st when the ancient Druids honored their great Sun God and Goddess with an uninhibited festival complete with initiations, sex orgies, drunken revelry, and human sacrifice. Sunnyvale - The City of the "Solar Serpent" Sun:
The city of Sunnyvale which has a WIERD and TRULY DARK city emblem of Blue and Black sun rays in the shape of a triangle (also the shape of KFJC's emblem), along with a disk shaped sun - also has instituted relatively recently the first in a series of "New Age Occultisms" and necromancy laced "Guided Imagery" invocations in their public schools. This entails where public school students are required to lay down upon the floor, and ask for spirit guides to come into their bodies. SATANIC RITUAL CHILD ABUSE, CHILD FLESH RING With the now public knowledge of Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Reagans, who are heavily involved in the occult, enough to have mediums and psychics work in and out of the White House - there is the Federally sponsored "Goals 2OOO" education program to consider. Along with the financial grants that are awarded to cities across the nation, comes certain requirements and directives. One of these directives is to institute the New Age Guided Imagery programs within the school curriculums. Sunnyvale has been more than willing to institute these throughout the city's school classrooms. Then again considering Sunnyvale and the Toy's "R" Us connection, along with the KFJC connection, it gets even more interesting. The Sun Aspect: "In the mythology of the primitive world," noted historian Alexander Hislop states that "the serpent is universally the symbol of the sun. The serpent, then, was universally represented by the sun symbol, the circle or disk." Moreover, the serpent was said to be "the great enlightener of the physical world...and to have been the great enlightener by giving mankind the knowledge of good and evil." Only the serpent, the devil, could be so audacious and grotesque in lack of character that he could falsely claim that title and trait representative of God alone - the Light of the World, the Holy Fire. In the pagan religions, "Along with the sun, as the great fire-god and...identified with him was a serpent worshipped." "The disk, and particularily the circle, were the well-known symbols of the Sun-divinity, and figured largely in the symbolism of the East. With the circle or the disk the head of the Sun-divinity was encompassed. The same was the case of Pagan Rome. Apollo, as the child of the Sun, was often thus represented. The goddess that claimed kindred with the Sun were equally entitled to be adorned with the nimbus or luminary circle." "In the great temple of Babylon, the golden image of the Sun was exhibited for the worship of the Babylonians. In the temple of Cuzco, in Peru, the disk of the sun was fixed up in flaming gold upon the wall, that all who entered might bow down before it. The phoenicians of Thrace were sun-worshippers; and in their worship they adorned an image of the sun in the form of a disk at the top of a long pole. In the worship of Baal, as practised by the idolatrous Israelites in the days of the apostacy, the worship of the sun's image was equally observed; and it is striking to find that the image of the sun, which apostate Israel worshipped, was erected above the altar." The irrefutable fact that it is the devil who is symbolized by the circle is reinforced by countless other teachings of occultists and secret society hierophants over the years. Pagan and primitive peoples worshipped the sun as god. But that was millenia ago, right? Surely, 2Oth Century, educated man could never be fooled into reveling a huge, burning, molten rock in the sky as divine, could he? The answer is yes, he could, if he is a New Ager. As proposterous as it may seem, the New Age has revived the ages-old belief in the Sun God - and millions are falling for this lie. Adolf Hitler once said: "if you're going to tell a lie, make it a big one and people will swallow it. A little lie they won't buy!" The sun symbol is greatly respected and commonly displayed by New Agers. "The sun is a great magnet," so said 'The Secret Doctrine' of Theosophy's Helena Blavatsky. Adolf Hitler kept that book by his bed side and read it no less than four times. 'The Beacon', a magazine published by today's Theosophical Society, recently editorialized that once a person becomes "born again" into the New Age and becomes an aspirant for higher initiation, the sun takes on a new spiritual meaning. Again and again we find New Age teachers and leaders espousing the divine sun doctrine. "God lives in the middle of the Sun," says popular New Age lecturer Ken Carey. Can this be some kind of New Age joke ? No, Carey is sternly serious. Barry McWaters professes a belief that both the earth which he calls GAIA the Earth Goddess, and the sun are living, divine beings. Elizabeth Clare Prophet likewise is a sun-worshipper. Her demon spirit guide, Kuthumi, has told the members of Prophet's Church Universal and Triumphant to "meditate on the Great Sun Disc." Prophet teaches that the sun is the "sacred fire of God" and that man must be "always obedient to the cosmic intelligence of Mighty I AM Presence in the Great Central Sun." In Babylon's astrology, the Sun God was the ruler and chief God of the Zodiac - Horrorscopes. Baal worship, infamously portrayed throughout the Old Testament, was also the worship of the sun god. "Helios," a demon who in the New Age 'The Quartus Report' blasphemously claimed to be the "Solar Logos" So which city (Sunnyvale) would therefore be the ideal location for the seat of satan the Solar Serpent ? ...and why has Dennis Edward "Dragon" Bishop now moved to "Sol-ano" Avenue in Albany? The answer is obvious. The triangle (the shape of KFJC's logo & Sunnyvale's City Emblem) is the supreme symbol of New Age satanism. Its use among New Age cults, churches, organizations and businesses and corporations owned or led by New Agers is widespread. We cannot truly understand New Age symbolism unless we comprehend the sinister, hidden meaning of the triangle. The late Albert Churchward, a British researcher whose book, 'The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man' (1913) is today a classic, and devotes considerable attention to the origins and significance of the triangle. He wrote that, to the ancients: "In the Egyptian stellar mythology, (the god) Shu...first lifted up heaven from the earth in the form of a triangle, and at each point was situated one of the gods, Sut, Shu, and Horus...They are the trinity..." In other words, to the Goddess religion worshipers of Egypt the triangle represented the holy trinity of their three chief deities. According to Walker, the triangle is the universal sign or symbol of the Mother Goddess. This was and is satan's mockery of the Holy Trinity of God. Churchward's research also showed that the triangle with its apex, or point, facing downward (KFJC & Sunnyvale's City Emblem) represented Horus, the Sun God, while the triangle pointing upward characterised Sut, or Set, the Destroyer God. This is noteworthy today because in San Francisco, California we find the Temple of Set, led by Michael Aquino, the self-styled "High Priest of Satan." Leading members of the military such as Michael Aquino, are devout and leading satanists. Anton LaVey, WHO HAS A FOND RELATIONSHIP WITH KFJC FM - including donating his recorded material to the station, and as the leader of 'The Church of Satan', also was a S.F. police photographer. He was the author of the "Satanic Bible", the direct opposite in teachings to the Judeo-Christian Holy Scriptures. The S.F. Police Department, utilized his "knowledge" and advice, well after he was officially seperted from the S.F. Police Department. In his sinister volume - "The Book of the Law", first published in 1904, Britain's most wicked occultist Aleister Crowley testified that a demon spirit identified as "Horus" gave him this prediction: "The Great Work of the Illuminati - the transformation - of mankind on planet Earth - will be substantially completed in the decade of the 1990's. Aleister Crowley also relished calling himself "The Beast 666." Apparently, Crowley's spirit guide, Horus, thrives on chaos. Indeed all demonic powers are enchanted with chaos, for it is through chaos that Satan's objectives are met. Crowley who was a 33 degree Master Illuminati Mason, a member of an organization who's motto is "Ordo Ab Chao", interpreted as "Order Out of Chaos". The Lucis Trust (formerely Lucifer Publishing / 1924) has as its logo the triangle. Theosophist and Freemasonry advocate Alice Bailey, the driving force behind the Lucis Trust, in 1938 organized an international network of Triangle groups, which has thousands of participating units around the world. For example one of the members of Lucis Trust is Robert McNamara, former U.S. Secretary of Defense and former President of the World Bank. Alice Bailey told her followers that the Triangle groups must accept the grave responsibility for ushering in the New Age. This same God of Destruction is worshiped by the leaders of of the same New York, and prominent New Age occult group, the Lucis Trust. To the leaders of the Lucis Trust, he comes under the code name Sanat Kumara (Sanat-Satan). Dwjwhal Khul, the Tibetan Master and spirit guide who has dictated so many books to the Lucis Trust's Alice Bailey, says that he is a servant of Sanat. Understandably, then, Khul is scornful of Christianity and Jesus Christ. His Plan is for a new type of "Christ", the coming World Teacher, who will organize the New Age World Religion based not on God but on human spirit. There is also the interesting fact that there are dual triangles on the Earth's globe that are at opposite sides of each other (The Bermuda Triangle and Dragon's Triangle) which also are linked closely to very deep PITS (Trenches) in the ocean floors. Guam with the deepest trench and its associated US Defense Establishment, and Puerto Rico, US. Both of which, especially Puerto Rico recently, has had more than numerous reports of UFO's entering and emerging from the ocean in those regions. Included in this is the mysterious vampire animals that are reportedly ravaging through Puerto Rico. For centuries, natives believed that undersea monsters dwelt in the regions known as the Dragon's Triangle (south of Japan). What else could account for the utter disappearance of entire fishing boats and their crews?; along with massive numbers of large ghost ships with thousands of missing crew, and in such astonishing numbers? There are many more reports, versus from the well known Bermuda Triangle, though not reported in US media, for it is quite obvious that the news agencies along with Satan has deceived the whole world - concerning the missing planes, military aircraft, large vessels, small vessels, submarines - and to such an extent that the Japanese Government has designated it a "Danger Zone", and has warned people to stay out. In relation to the the embrace and revelry by the New Age community and fellow 'Psychic Friends Network', over the accepted dark powers that are reportedly emanating from the Bermuda Triangle; Julie Brown of MTV (Music Television) fame who possesses the identical brainless idiocy enlightenment of Dionne Warwick and Vicki Lawrence, was brought to the Bermuda Triangle along with a Miami radio psychic who has presented a very recent television infomercial. In the commercial, both Julie Brown and a definitely insane looking psychic (who has a gigantic white wig that looks more like a brillo pad than anything resembling human hair) along with others were guided into the region on a private boat. In the now evident folly of Julie Brown's public deceptions that are put before the public by her fellow business scam "psychic friends", they have told Julie in a televised psychic reading that she would be cast as an actress in an upcoming movie. Only the ignorant and gullible would be fooled by this 'so called' psychic reading of Julie's upcoming future. In actuality, the movie: "Fist of the Northstar", is an associated New Age Psychic "Fiends" Community production. It appears from all indications that 'out of work' Video Jockeys of MTV, or those of flailing entertainment careers would participate with such con artists, and 'now' knowingly and willfully erase their names from the Lamb's Book of Life over their acts that entail cavorting with mediums and associated witches. The biblical scriptures are very plain concerning the warnings against such activity, by silly "Eve-ish" women like Julie Brown and Dionne Warwick. Being eternally damned is their fate, that they have already chosen. "In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea." - Isaiah 27:1 "There go the ships: there is the leviathan" - Psalm 1O4:26 "How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, IN THE SIDES OF THE NORTH: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to Hell, TO THE SIDES OF THE PIT." - Isaiah 14:12-15 Sunnyvale also happens to be the center of Military and Government interaction, with its associated Defense Establishment Businesses - Moffett Field, and the related NAVAL Military Industrial Complex.
At Yale University/College in New Haven Connecticut, there are numerous Foreign Secret Societies with their prospective tombs/crypts: Skull & Bones, Death & Torture, Spade & Grave, Book & Snake, Wolf's Head, Scroll & Key, etc., etc. 322 happens to be the code/charter number for the Skull and Bones Order located in New Haven, CT, which has initiates such as: George Herbert Walker Bush, William F. Buckley, vast members of the C.I.A, Defense Establishment, and leaders of major financial institutions, etc. climbing in their own Foreign Germanic Secret Society's sarcophaguses (flesh eating coffins) naked and physically dying to this world, and being reborn in the prospective Orders. 322 is the actual tomb-room within the crypt of Skull and Bones. George Herbert Walker Bush also coincidentally was shot down in the Dragon's Triangle near Chi Chi Jima, and was found close to dead there, later to be the Vice President then President of the United States and also the leader of the C.I.A. for years. He was involved in the JFK assassination as a C.I.A. case officer stationed out of Dallas, Texas. Human vessels? Suredly! Some more interesting "Catch 22" correlations: 322 - Hawkeye Joe proudly displayed a family picture of a member of his family (mother or sister?) with a motorcycle (he also is a motorcyclist) with a 322 emblazoned on it, in the KFJC studios. Again the interesting coincidence that 322 happens to be the charter number of the Skull & Bones Order. 22 - The "new" General Manager at KKUP FM in Santa Clara, happens to be a Professional Tarot Card Reader, which utilizes a 22 card deck to fool, trick, lie and deceive people - a confidence woman. A Psychic Network type Telephone scam LIE ! This along with the now ex-KKUP (ousted) General Manager Eric Meece, who is also into the 'New Age Movement' entirely, to a point of organizing their own large and local 'New Age' faires that have nothing to do with the station. While in complete contradiction to the radio station's own by-laws and how it relates to the station's tax-free status, they have embarked on an illegal series of overt on-air promotions of their own non-KKUP private business ventures. These two, along with a host of allowing Board Members of similar corrupt minds have taken the station into a new and frightening direction of unjust conspiracies through false accusations and of at least 2 coups by their hands. A literal house cleaning before the station was moved from Cupertino to its now Santa Clara location. Interestingly KKUP's Board Meetings have been moved to 2nd and Reed Streets in San Jose, a defunct shell of an ex-Christian (how fitting) Church building, now a "New Age" organization, with all of the decorative interior accesories that make the New Age claim entirely apt.
More on 322: 322 Remember ? Singer Dionne Warwick and her involvement with the Psychic Friends Telephone Network: " Do you know the way to San Jose' ? " Speaking of San Jose', the WWF (World Wrestling Federation) did decide to name their new indoor Football league team, first intended for San Jose, then moving to San Francisco, a football team named the: "Demons" ! Yes, San Jose and Santa Clara County is demonic.
Do you know the way to Jose' Scott's Soul ? His Soul Is Damned
Eternally !
And Spliff is his best friend !
And in closing.... In a recent issue of 'Magical Blend', a slick and popular New Age magazine financed by the Silva Mind Control System organization ("Silva" - Haven't we heard that term before?), Dr. Christopher Hyatt addressed what many New Agers call "the Christian Fundamentalist Problem." Labelling fundamentalists as "The Shadow emerging in society." "lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices" - II Corinthians 2:11