Vanuatu Daily Post
   2 August, 2012

  "Employees of Government Departments and
   Institutions now have another opportunity
   to increase their capability by learning
   one of the most spoken languages of the
   world, the Chinese language.

   This has been made possible through an
   agreement between the Vanuatu Government
   and the Government of the People's Republic
   of China."

Port Vila, Vanuatu Is Now The Scene Of A Complete Take-Over By 
RED Communist Chinese Forces In Almost Every Sector Of The 
Government -- Outside Of The Opposition Parties. The Totally Corrupt 
Communist Sell-Out Traitour Prime Minister Sato Kilman, And His 
Sell-Out Ministers Who Were Just Recently Linked To A Large Yatch 
In Port Vila Harbour, Which Was Smuggling Guns, Money Laundering
And Drugs Into The Country.  The Owner Of Said Yatch Has Now Fled 
Vanuatu, Leaving The Large Yacht Sitting In Port Vila Harbour.

Picture Of Yacht:

Everywhere In Port Vila, Vanuatu, The RED Communist Chinese Are 
Conducting A Building Spree (pics at bottom), And Complete Destruction 
Of Vanuatu, With Large Un-Seemly Concrete Structures, Large 
Concrete Parking Lot Structures, And Chinese Owned Businesses That 
Is Turning Port Vila And Vanuatu Into Yet Another Sick Chinese 
"Culture" Version Of Ugly Massive Over-Development.

I Personally Witnessed The Building Boom, Including A Multitude Of 
Large Transport Trucks With Chinese Workers Re-Entering Port Vila 
At Night Time After Working On The Various Un-Sightly Building Sites,
And Un-Sightly Building Boom.  The Chinese Are Everywhere.

Let It Be Known That Every Single Ni-Vanuatu Resident That I Spoke 
With, Was Deeply Concerned At The Large Influx Of Chinese Into The 
Country.  The Chinese Are Known To Be Racist Against The Ni-Vanuatu -- 
A Superior Race Mentality That Amounts To Laughable, When Taking 
Into Account The Chinese Themselves.  The Term Used All Around
The Pacific Is:  "Gook".

Ni-Vanuatu (Native) Residents Are Also Expressing Dire Concern That 
The Construction Of A Large Movie Cinema:
Will Bring Un-Lawful Pornographic Laced Movies From Hollywood And 
Other Avenues Of Celluloid Smut Which Is Pandered Upon The World
To Degrade Native Customary Standards That Are Traditionally And 
Rightly So, Against Vulgar Indecency Of Other Fallen Nation's Depravity.
The Chinese Are The Individuals Who Are Directly Responsible For 
Bringing In The Illicit Pornography Into The Country.

The Nation Of Niue Just Recently Was Also Taken-Over With The 
Monetary Bribe To Build A New Airport, And The Shipment Of 300 
(Three Hundred) Chinese Families To Predictably Over-Breed And 
Over-Populate Niue, Thereby Displacing The Native Polynesians.

Recent Riots And Fire Bombings In The Solomon Islands And Papua 
Niugini (New Guinea) Are Proving To Be Successful In Driving The 
Anti-Blackman Racist RED Communist Chinese From Every Avenue Of 
A Planned Take-Over And Control Of Those Nations.

I Have Personally Purchased Two (2) Seperate Cans Of Chicken Curry 
From Stores In Port Vila, Vanuatu To Prove That The Contents Are 
Mostly Bones, With Scant Meat, And Plenty Of Sauce.  These Findings
Have Also Been Confirmed By Ni-Vanuatu Residents Who I Questioned.  
With 60-80 Million Chinese Literally Slaughtered And Murdered By The 
RED Communist Chinese Monsters During The Mao Purges,
Apparently Those Bones Have To Go Somewhere.
Chinese Chicken Curry Canned Exports = Bones.

Chinese "culture" And Cruelty To Animals  (Picture From Zoo)

The Totally Corrupt Sell-Out Govenment Of Prime Minister Sato Kilman 
Has Also Been Responsible For Allowing Chinese Companies To Over-Fish 
And Totally Deplete Vanuatu's Fisheries, Along With The Latest Chinese 
Fish Processing Plant In Vanuatu For Those Same Purposes.  Once Again,
The Local Ni-Vanuatu (Custom) Leadership Have Not Been Consulted Or 
Advised, Only That The Chinese Are Literally Taking Over Vanuatu.

Also Throughout Vanuatu, There Are The Images Of Che Guevara Being 
Peddled Everywhere, Where A Vast Multitude Of Taxis In Port Vila And 
All Over Vanuatu, Taxis Have Gigantic Decals of Che Guevara.  The RED 
Communist Chinese Are Selling And Promoting These Images, Prior To A 
Complete Overthrow Of The Government Into A Soviet Styled Sphere Of 
Oppression And Despotic Nightmare Awaiting Vanuatu, If The Present Form
Of Government (P.M. Sato Kilman) Is Allowed To Continue With His Total 
Sell-Out To RED Communist China.  Also Of Note:  Che Guevara Of 
Communist Leninist-Marxist Cuba Executed Thousands Of Cubans And 
Imprisoned Thousands.

RED Communist China Has Also Donated A Vast Multitude Of Large Buses 
To The Vanuatu Government, Parking Many Of Them In And Near The Vanuatu 
Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Building, And Astonishingly Many More Are Parked 
Near The Parliament Building In Port Vila, Vanuatu


It Was Not So Long Ago That The Vanuatu Government Broke Official 
Ties With Taiwan And Then Established Full Diplomatic Ties With Red 
Communist China, Who's Plan To Take-Over The Nations Of The Pacific 
Is Already Obvious To Anyone Who Cares To Take A Look.

The Massive Influx Of So-Called "Billionaires" And "Millionaires" From 
China Also Deserves Serious Inquiry, Especially As RED Communist China 
Presently Has No Independent Oversight Into RED Communist Currency 
Presses And The Printing Of Monies.  Therefore The RED Communist Chinese 
Are Buying Up The World Through Totally Fraudulent Means.

As Ambassador To The Tainui Kiingitanga (Tainui Kingdom) Of Te Aotearoa, 
I Will Shortly Attempt Official Correspondences With The Nation Of Nauru,
Including A Possible Visit To Nauru.  Correspondences With The Existing 
Kuomintang Government Of Taiwan, In Order To Thwart The Obvious RED 
Chinese Planned Conquest Of The Pacific, Will Be Initiated.

Of Note, The Maaori (Maori) And Other Pacific Peoples Are Very Upset 
That Their Cultures Are Being Copied And Fabricated Copies In China Are 
Re-Sold Throughout The Region, With Absolutely No Monies Given To The 
Cultures That The Chinese Have Stolen Their Artwork From.

Additionally, The Already Known Chinese Planned Scheme Is To Ship Chinese 
Tourists On Chinese Owned Planes, Onto Chinese Owned Buses, Into Chinese 
Owned Hotels, Into Chinese Owned Restaurant's And Chinese Owned Shops 
-- With Absolutely No Monies Going To Local Nations Or Peoples.  This Plot 
And Scheme Has Already Been Attempt Throughout The Pacific, And Will 
Assuredly Be Stopped Shortly, Through Grassroots Activist Efforts Of 
Native Polynesian, Micronesian And Melanesian Peoples.

The Existing RED Chinese Conquest Of Philippine Islands
(Scarborough Atoll) -- Totally Within The Economic And
Strategic Defense Zone Of The Philippines.

The RED Communist Chinese Are Miserable Thieves, Wanting To Steal Every 
Island And Nation In The Pacific If Only They Could -- Especially With Bribes 
(i.e. Cook Islands) And Other Small Island Nations Taking Those Bribes From 
The RED Communist Chinese, And Thus Selling Their Own Souls And Futures 
Away, With The Existing RED Commie Chinese 'Foot In The Door' 
Strategic Policies.


  Vanuatu Daily Post
  18 July, 2012


   A televisision commercial being shown in Hong Kong is proving a 
   great interest to Asians wanting to emigrate here.

   Daily we see more and more Asian origin builders, labourers on work 
   sites in the capital and operating retail outlets for wholesalers in the 
   town's streets and suburbs.

   They may well be here as the result of a Hong Kong TV advertising 

   The advertisment offers the means to apply for permanent residence 
   in Vanuatu.  In spite of Constitutional provisions forbidding employement 
   of foreigners in certain classes of occupation or business, these immigrants 
   are all said to be legally recruited as "investors" through the Vanuatu
   Financial Services Commission in Hong Kong.

   The applicants are provided with the relevant entry papers required by 
   government.  They then work for big businesses here, even though many 
   do not speak a language used in Vanuatu.

   The television advertisement that is proving the talk of the town in Hong 
   Kong makes use of the local Hong Kong set for TV quiz and game show 
   franchised around the world as "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?".  
   It takes place in a Who WantS to be a Millionaire studio:

   TELEVISION HOST:  Greetings everyone ...
   I Am Who Wants to be a Millionaire Host,
   Chen Wei Tai!

   TELEVISION HOST:  For the million dollar
   question ... How do you apply for permanent
   residence in Vanuatu?

   MAN:  You have to consult the sole agent
   in Pacific region, a company called Tai
   Ping Yang [the name of the agency]
   immigration consultant agency.

   TELEVISION HOST:  Final answer?

   MAN:  Yes, Tai Ping Yang immigration
   consultant agency.

   TELEVISION HOST:  You are correct!

   Audience claps hand.
   Man and small boy make high fives.

   TELEVISION HOST:  Now, the ten million
   dollar question.  What is the country
   indicated on this picture?

   Viewers see a map of Australia and the
   Western Pacific which then focuses on

   SMALL BOY:  Vanuatu.  The place that I
   will like to live in.

   TELEVISION HOST:  That is correct!

   SMALL BOY:  The place that I will like
   to live in.

   The company name and the enquiry hotline
   appear on the screen.

   Daily Post has written to the Vanuatu Finanacial Services Commission 
   and Vanuatu officer-in-charge of the Passports section.
   However, there has been no response from any of the three addresses 
   as to how credentials of those applying to come to Vanuatu are checked 
   in Hong Kong.  Nor have we been given any information concerning how 
   visas are issued to those persons considered to be eligible.

   Ni-Vanuatu (native) workers will have little chance of bringing the Vanuatu
   Constitutiion provisions to work in their favour in the face of a tsunami of 
   foreign arrivals.  Furthermore, the principles of non-discrimination maintained 
   by the World Trade Organization are unlikely to produce any helpful result 
   for unemployed ni-Vanuatu seeking work where foreigners are preferred.  
   Presently this is often the case in the building trade and for retail 
   management positions."

The 32nd Anniversary Of Vanuatu's Independence
(30, July, 2012) Was Filled With News Of Prime Minister
Sato Kilman Involved In A Arms Smuggling, Money
Laundering, And Illegal Drugs Scandal, Shocking The
Whole Nation To It's Very Core.


  Vanuatu Daily Post
  24 July, 2012


   Twenty Police Officers headed by Acting Commissioner of Police, Arthur 
   Caulton, took part in a joint operation with Customs, Immigration and 
   Quarantine Officers to board a mega yatch in Vila Harbour last Sunday 
   Afternoon in what he described as a "pretty big operation" and arrested 
   the skipper and a female person and a Tongan and Samoan, and confiscated 
   a locally owned truck.

   The Yacht:

   The operation continued until six o'clock in the evening but the Acting 
   Commmissioner was tightlipped over the reason for the operation
   saying it is connected to local political leaders including a Cabinet Minister 
   and a back benched without naming anyone at this stage.

   The Acting Commissioner said the female on the yatch was detained for 
   "obstructing police officers on duty".  He said the yacht was going to be 
   towed to the wharf by Tug Boat Roimata II but his men assured him that 
   they were satisfied with what they had had access to on board and there 
   was no need to bring the yacht in.

   The Police Media Unit named the yacht as "Phocea" and that it was highly 
   suspicious of being involved in smuggling high powered arms, money 
   laundering and breaching related laws of maritime borders.

   A statment from the Police Media Unit said, "A court warrant was issued 
   and a search was conducted and numerous documents in relation to bilateral 
   arrangement and the forging of signatures on official documents were

   "On board the yacht were 16 crew members including the Captain and a 
   Samoan and Tongan, who were involved in the case of the Vanuatu Citizenship 
   issue on March 16 of 2012.  They (Tongan and Samoan) are now in the 
   hands of the police".

   According to the statement the yacht was travelling from Panama 
   through Italy then Tonga and she has been in Vila Harbour since last 
   Saturday and its next destination is Papua New Guinea.

   The yacht was registered in Vanuatu in 2005 as a diplomatic yacht of 
   Vanuatu owned Anh Quan who became a citizen of Vanuatu in 2012.

   2012 has been declared as Police information says the yacht was 
   arrested once in Thailand on her way to Vietnam for illegal arms smuggling
   earlier this year.

   In the latest drama, the skipper and the female person were tried along 
   with the Tongan and Samoan in court yesterday but the outcome of the 
   hearing was not available at time of going to press.

   The Acting Commissioner also confirmed that the Tongan and Samoan 
   males were the same people who were arrested this year along with a 
   number of ni-Vanuatu including the Chairman of the Citizenship Commission 
   in connection to fraud and attempted access to ni-Vanautu citizenship.
   Investigations into the yacht are continuing.

   According to Boating and Sailing News dated March 25, 2010, the 246 
   feet long yacht is called Phocea and was built in France in 1976.

   Phocea is not just big, she is massive.  Built for single-handed French 
   yachtsman Alain Colas, she was launched as the largest, most technologically 
   advanced racing yacht in the world in 1976.  Since then, many larger sailing
   yachts have come along, but few match the grandeur of this mega yachts 
   style, which is no surprise as she is now owned by controversial fashion diva 
   Mouna Ayoub.

   Shortly after the yacht's launch, Alain Colas
   skippered the boat under the name Club
   Mediterranee in the Observer Single-Handed
   Trans-Atlantic Race
   (OSTAR )

   Colas was plagued by halyard problems during the race, and was forced 
   to pull in to Halifax, Nova Scotia to make repairs.  Although he was 330
   miles in the lead at the time, he was penalized 58 hours for accepting help 
   in Halifax, leaving Eric Tabarly to win the race for the second time.
   It is worth noting that Tabarly's win (23d 20h 12m) on the 73 foot yacht 
   Pen Duick VI was the last win for a monohull in the famous OSTAR race 
   until 2009, when no multihulls were able to complete the race due to 
   severe conditions.

   Because it was thought the huge sailboat would not excel as a racing yacht, 
   she was soon converted into a charter boat, where she spent the next 20 
   years laying about as a Polynesian playground for the rich and famous.  
   The yacht caught Bernard Tapie's eye in 1982 and he bought her, refit her 
   for private use, and renamed her Phocea, to honor the Phoceaeans.  After 
   his refit, Bernard was pleased with the luxury of the yacht and the speed, 
   which clocked up to 30 knots under sail on one trans-atlantic voyage!

   Then, in 1997 the mega yacht caught the eye of controversial Lebanese 
   business woman Mouna Ayoub.  The former wife of Saudi billionaire Nasser
   Al-Rashid bought the yacht for five and half million Euros, saying she 
   wanted to refit the boat as her personal floating palace.  It is rumoured
   that she partly paid for the refit of the Phocea by selling "The Mouna" a 
   record-breaking 112 carat diamond.

   Over 20 million U.S. dollars were spent on Phocea, as the boat was 
   transformed into a luxury sailing mega yacht fit for the queen of shopping.  
   While the hull and exterior were restored and upgraded, the interior of the 
   yacht finally received a woman's touch, with major work throughout
   particularly in Ayoub's special owner's suite, which fittingly sits alone on 
   the main deck of her floating palace."


  Vanuautu Daily Post
  1 August, 2012

  "The Minister Of Internal Affairs, George Wells, has suspended the 
   head of the Fraud Unit, Andrew Kalman.  This suspension was made 
   amid the controversy surrounding the mega yacht Phocea and links 
   of fraud against the State that implicates also two government ministers.

   Daily Post has been told that Mr. Kalman has already received his 
   letter of suspension.

   This happened amid a blackout by police on information about the 
   Phocea with media being referred to the Prime Minister's Office for
   more information.

   The suspension also shocked many in the police, especially when 
   investigations into the yacht and that of the citenship case were in their

   A Daily Post source stated that no other reason was given in Kalman's 
   letter about the reason for his suspension except that his resignation
   is over reasons of Kalman jeopardising the case.

   At this stage no further information could be obtained about how the 
   case was jeopardised by Kalman's leadership of the Fraud Unit as
   police sources say Kalman was placed in charge of the case by his superiors.

   Kalman as head of the Fraud Unit was the person who carried out the 
   planning for the raid on the yacht that was suspected of dealing arms
   and money laundering.

   It was during this raid that photographs of government ministers that 
   boarded the yacht were found.

   It is understood that the suspended officer will be legally 
   challenging his suspension."


   Vanuatu Daily Post
   28 July, 2012

   By Thompson Marango
   And Royson Willie

   Citizenship Chairman Pleads Not Guilty To Charges.

   Another Police Raid Yesterday Morning On The Mega Yacht Phocea, 
   Stumbled Upon A Substance In Plastic Bag That May Be Opium, 
   Which Is Frequently Processed Chemically To Produce Heroin For The
   Illegal Drug Trade.

   But Daily Post Sources Said At This Stage The Confiscation Item Will 
   Have To Be Tested If It Is Really Opium.

   The Raid Was Undertaken Yesterday Through The Leadership Of The 
   Transnational Crime Unit And Police Maritime Wing.

   After The Police Searched The Yacht, Daily Post Was Reliably Informed 
   That The Minister Of Foreign Affairs, Alfred Carlot Who Was Returning 
   From An Overseas Visit Would Be Searched By The Police Upon His Arrival 
   At Bauerfield Airport Yesterday.

   But The Minister Was Reportedly Not On The First Flights Yesterday 
   Early Afternoon.

   Daily Post Has Also Been Told That Minister Of Education, Marcellino Pipite, 
   That Was Returning From Overseas Was Also Expected To Receive The
   Same Treatment In Relation To Recent Police Investigations.

   Yesterday's Last International Flight Came In Around 11 p.m. After Daily 
   Post Went To Press. Mr. Carlot And Mr. Pipite Were Two Of The Government 
   Ministers Who Allegedly Went On Board The Phocea, "Owned" By
   Anh Quan Saken, Vanuatu's Nominated Honorary Consul To Vietnam.

   Meanwhile, The Former Commissioner Of The Now Defunct Vanuatu 
   Maritime Authority (VMA), Mr Less Mapuati, Told Daily Post Yesterday
   That He Ceased To Represent VMA When The VMA Act Was Repealed 
   By The Parliament About Four Years Ago.

   He Said The Signature Of The Former VMA Commissioner That Was 
   Reported By Daily Post Yesterday Were His But The Signatures Were
   Forged Because He Has Seen A Copy Of Such A Document.

   Mr Napuati Said He Was Shown A Copy Of The Documents Held By The 
   Yacht, Which Had His Signature On It And He Told Police That His
   Signature Was Forged.

   "Every Documentation That They (Those On The Yacht) Said I Signed 
   Are False Documents As I Never Signed Any Such Documents".

   "I Have Already Submitted A Police Statement To Confirm That My 
   Signature Was Forged And The Documents Were Forged Documents", 
   Mr Napuati Told Daily Post Yesterday.

   On Another Case That Is Also Linked To The Whole Investigation Behind 
   The Mega Yacht, Chairman Of The Citizenship Commission, Joe Aranambath,
   Has Already Pleaded Not Guilty To Charges Of 'Obtaining Citizenship By 
   False And Misleading Statements' And 'Complicity Of Obtaining
   Citizenship By False And Misleading Statements'.

   Three Others Who Also Appeared Before Senior Magistrate, Rita Naviti 
   This Week Were Also Charged With The Same Charge (s).

   Hiva Matiujaje And Michel Gangatadlakepa, The Tongan And Samoan 
   National Who Were Charged With Obtaining Citizenship By False And
   Misleading Statements Have Also Pleaded Not Guilty.

   Only One Of The Defendants, Solomon Mangau Pleads Guilty To Two 
   Charges Of 'Obtaining Citizenship By False And Misleading Statements'.

   According To Public Prosecutor, Tristan Garae, The Defendant Who 
   Pleaded Guilty Will Have To Wait For The Trials Of Those Who Pleaded 
   Not Guilty. According To The Prosecutor, The Defendant Who Pleaded 
   Guilty Will Only Be Convicted If There Is A Conviction In The Trials
   Of The Other Three Defendants.

   The Citizenship Commission Chairman And The Other Two Defendants 
   Are Expected To Reappear Before The Magistrate For Trail On August 
   29 And 30 And September 5 And 6.

   In Court Thursday This Week The Prosecution Side Has Also Made An 
   Application To The Court Seeking The Court To Hold The Tongan And 
   Samoan In Remand But The Application Was Rejected By The Court As
   There Were Not Enough Evidence To Prove That They May Interrupting 
   Further Police Investigations.

   The Prosecution Has Also Tried To Support Its Application With Claims 
   That The Duo Arrived In The Mega Yacht Phocea That Was Suspected 
   Of Being Involved In Smuggling High Powered Arms, Money Laundering 
   And Breaching Related Maritime Boarder Laws Have Breached Court Order.

   The Court Was Informed By The Prosecution That The Duo May Also Be 
   A Threat To Their Landlord Whom Are Said To Feel Insecure In Their 
   Property.  There Were Also Claims That Two Defendants Have Also 
   Been Assisting The Mega Yacht's Skipper Disembarking Crew Members 
   Which Is A Breach Of Court Order.

   But The Magistrate Was Not Convinced By The Prosecution Since There 
   Were No Official Charges Being Laid Against The Yacht's Skipper.

   The Defense Council Convinced The Magistrate That There Is Not Enough 
    Evidence To Hold The Duo Whom One Has Been Remanded But Released 
   On Bail Earlier For Attempting To Board A Plane To New Zealand, Are 
   Now On Bail Awaiting Trial.

   At This Stage Daily Post Could Not Get Any Confirmation If Those Involved 
   In The Arrests Had Any Connections To The Triads.


