3 2 2 -- -- 2 2
322---------Code number for the FOREIGN
Charter German Secret
--------------Death Order: -Skull and Bones, in New Haven, Connecticut, US
--------------Initiates of the Order, at the
Tomb, do climb naked into the
--------------sarcophagus (flesh eating stone coffin) in Room 322.
--------------They physically DIE to this world
and are re-born into :
----------------------The Order of Skull and
--------------A German Charter Death Order
(Russell Foundation - 1832).
un-Scriptural / Mystery Babylon Death Initiations.
--------------Demonic Vessels, who just so happen, as an evil cabal plot,
--------------try to control this world.
--------------A Crypt/Tomb that reportedly
contains human bones,
--------------Adolf Hitler's silverware, even Geronimo's stolen bones.
--------------German Death Order script, slogans
and images on the walls
----------------------------------Drawing (below) from the
-----------------------------'File and Claw' break-in of 1877
-------------------------------------South Half of Tomb
------------------------Note:- Room 322, center room, front door at lower
----------------More Pictures:
----------------New Haven Crypt/Tomb
3/22/92----Death Initiate President George
----------------to a FOREIGN German Secret Order: -Skull and Bones
----------------Bush meets with German Chancellor
Helmut Kohl in
----------------Washington D.C. on this date (picture below)
---------------------------------------U.S. Army's recent adoption
---------------------------------------of the German Helmet design
-----------" Verry
---------Innnteresting "
3/22/92-----ON THE SAME DATE - William Jefferson Clinton,
-----------------Fellow New Haven, Connecticut,
[Yale] Secret Society
-----------------Initiate, who is in New Haven, Connecticut, at a march
-----------------along with Jesse Jackson
-----------------Hillary Rodham Clinton, the
President's wife
-----------------yet another New Haven spook, first
met Bill at Yale
3/22/89----- Republican Vice-President (2001),
Dick Cheney,
-----------------New Haven Secret Society (Skull
and Bones /
-----------------Book and Snake) Initiate, and who
as President
-----------------George Bush's Secretary of
Defense, is officially
---------------- sworn in on that date
3/22/89-----House Republicans elect Newt
Gingrich of Georgia,
-----------------as house Whip. -Yet another New Haven, Connecticut
-----------------Secret Society Death Initiate.
-----------------Wrote footnotes in book:
"Third Wave", the same book
-----------------that advocates the Orwellian "Big
Brother" futuristic
-----------------enslavement of mankind
2/22/01-----President George W. Bush's first
'Official' Press Conference.
----------------Son, Father, Grandfather (Prescott
Bush), all New Haven
----------------Secret Society Skull & Bones Death Initiates
5/22/02-----George W. Bush arrives in Germany
for a 22 appointment,
----------------on the same day that Chandra
Levy's dead body is found in
----------------Washington D.C.
3/21/84-----Fellow New Haven, Skull and Bones initiate,
----------------Gary Hart, one-time Presidential
.----------------(NY Times 3/22)
322------------Another Skull and Bones Death Order Initiate !
.---------------- Present Massachusetts U.S.
Senator, John Kerry -
-----------------Democratic Party spokesman Tim
Russert of NBC TV's
-----------------"Meet The Press" always offers the
microphone and time
-----------------to Russell Foundation's Skull and
Bones Death Initiate
-----------------Senator John Kerry
----22----------The Skull and Bones Tomb, New Haven, features a
-----------------22 window design - see web page/pictures :
-------------------------------Secret Societies
11/22/37------First Year Anniversary of Life
Evil liar and Skull and Bonesman Henry Luce,
owner of the
Featured article is
on Edward Kennedy Sr.
------------------Bonesman Henry Luce (below) and John F. Kennedy
---22 --------Twilight Zone TV Episode:
-----------------"Twenty Two" --
----------- ------Airdate: 2/10/61 - (First Month of Kennedy
---------- -------A Marilyn Monroe dancer stripper
type actress is shown
---------- -------having a physical and mental
break-down in a hospital with
------------ -----re-occuring nightmares, her late
night walks from Room 305,
------------ -----on the 3rd Floor, down to Room 22 in the basement, the
------------ -----later involving a doomed airplane
- Area C - flight 22
10/22/51--- Time Magazine --
---Senator Joseph Mc Carthy on the
cover, lies against him within,
---Bonesman Henry Luce (Owner of Time Magazine) was of
-- ------------- -responsible for spreading outright
lies about Senator Joseph
-- ---------- ----McCarthy, who refused to meet with
the Senator to discuss the
-- ----------- ---continual lies and istortions in
his magazines. -The KGB files which
-- ------------ --were released recently, totally
confirmed what Senator Joseph
-- ------------ --McCarthy stated concerning the named individuals
and known
-- ----------- -- network of Soviet Communist agents, spies,
-- ----------- ---deep within the U.S. Army / Government.
11/22/63------"Jack" Kennedy - Military Coup /
---22------------With 22, you lose in the card game Black
---22------------The Satanist General Manager at
KKUP FM in Santa Clara, Calif.,
--------------------so-called ex-member of the
U.S. Army, who also
is a professional
--------------------tarot card reader, who utilizes a 22 card deck (Arcana) to lie,
--------------------deceive, spirtually seduce people
--------------------also framed Mikael Enoch, that being me
10/22/62-------Vaughn --(6)
--------------------Meader--(6) ..........[ what is his middle name ? ]
--------------------Political lampoon "comedian"
(anti-Kennedy element) repeatedly went
into recording
studios, on 10/22nds, to make final recordings that
--------------------ridiculed the Kennedys
22----------------In that John F. Kennedy was the
first casualty in the Vietnam
War due to his
legislation that was going to lead us out of
--------------------that French Indo China fiasco
(Nov. 63) . . .
--------------------In the great movie: 'The Sand Pebbles', which was nominated
--------------------for an Oscar as the Best Movie of
1966, interestingly the
--------------------production of this Naval WAR film
began on 11/22/65,
--------------------and was completed on 3/21/66. -Where actor Steve McQueen
--------------------poignantly dies at the end of the movie
------------------- (Death / Death Initiation / Room 322)
Catch 22--------The military created phrase, and
the movie "Catch 22",
--------------------starring the gifted Orson Welles,
about the US Military.
--------------------Orson also directs / stars in the
movie "Stranger", about
--------------------an ex-Nazi murderer who tries to
settle in Connecticut
3/22/90--------" I do not like Broccoli "
Some interesting 322 happenings:----
3/22/22 --Germany requests a new war reparations conference; says she
---------------cannot pay billion due
3/22/28 --Reichstag Committee's Report is submitted after 8 years of
---------------Socialists absolved on German
3/22/59 --Erich Wagner, 46 year old former Buchenwald concentration
---------------physician, committed suicide in prison on this date.
3/22/90 --Governor William O'Neill of Connecticut decides not to run
---------------for re-election
3/22/86 --A bronze statue of President Harry S. Truman in the center
---------------Athens was blown up.
-Occured on the same day that
---------------George Shultz arrived in Turkey
3/22/86 --The United States, despite urgent pleas from Congress to
---------------off the test, detonated its first
nuclear device since the Soviet
---------------Union extended its test ban
3/22/84 --William S. Frates, a trial lawyer who represented John D.
---------------President Nixon's former chief
domestic affairs adviser, in the
---------------Watergate cover-up, dies
3/21/69 --Major General Courtney Whitney, the chief aide and
confidant of
---------------Douglas MacArthur, dies. -(New York Times 3/22/69)
Of some interest. . . . . .
11/22/63----The Adolphus (Adolf-us) Hotel,
Dallas, Texas, the reported
-----------------staging area during the
assassination of J.F.K.
-----------------Adolphus Offices: 10221 Eastwood Drive, Dallas, TX 75228
------------------KKUP FM: 10221 Imperial Avenue, Cupertino, CA
------------------Where I Mikael Enoch was
framed....'New Age' element moved it
------------------to Santa Clara, eradicating
station on-air host Barry Fiore also.....
------------------Suicide Radio